These programs are designed to recognize the achievements of criminal justice personnel who are dedicated to the reduction of violent crime in North Carolina. Participants will have a thorough understanding of criminal street gangs and related concepts, creating a significantly increased level of professionalism and standardization in the North Carolina Criminal Justice System.
admission requirementsApplicants must be criminal justice personnel such as a Special Agents, Police Officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, Detention Officers, Community Corrections Officers, Corrections Officers, Intelligence Analysts or District Attorney’s Investigators. The applicant is required to have two full years of experience in their respective position. The applicant must complete an application which will include their agencies or district supervisor’s approval as well as a letter of recommendation from their direct supervisor. The recommendation letter will include verification that the applicant has criminal street gang investigation as one of their primary duties. program requirementsThe total requirement for completion of the program is 200 hours for Specialist and 500 hours for Advanced Specialist. The number of required core courses for Specialist is 72 hours and Advanced Specialist is 96 hours. The number of elective course hours for Specialist is 128 class hours and Advanced Specialist is 406 class hours. There is no time limit to obtaining this certificate. required coursesGang Specialist Core NCGIA Sponsored Basic Gang Investigator Course (24 Hours) Gangs Across the Carolinas (24 Hours) Gangs Across the Carolinas (24 Hours) Advanced Gang Specialist Core NCGIA Sponsored Basic Gang Investigator Course (24 Hours) NCGIA Sponsored Advanced Gang Investigator Course (24 Hours- must do NCGIA Basic class first) Gangs Across the Carolinas (24 Hours) Gangs Across the Carolinas (24 Hours) Attention everyone! Before submitting your application, please take a moment to accurately calculate your hours. If you have any doubts about whether a specific class qualifies for your elective hours, don't hesitate to reach out to Gina & Jason for guidance. Ensuring you have the right information will strengthen your application! |